“What will Survive”

Moshe Gershuni, A Year since His Death

19.1.2018 – 10.3.2018

Opening: Saturday, 20.1.2018 from 12-2 PM.

Curators: Uri Gershuni, Aram Gershuni, Atar Eshel

It has been a year now. Moshe Gershuni the man is no longer here, save in the memory of those who loved him, of his darlings and those who cherished him, still perplexed by the resounding absence of his presence, indeed, the presence that his absence has come to command.
All that remains is Gershuni the artist and his art – an art that, having left its distinctive mark, continues to thrill and to throb at the heart of Israel’s artistic and cultural field.
To mark a year to his death, Gershuni’s three children – Uri, Aram and Atar – teamed up with Givon, his primary gallery, in curating a show of his works, the first since his departure. The three plunged themselves into his estate, each retrieving an ensemble of works. Laden with childhood memories, anecdotes and private connotations, the show they put together still provides a one-of-a-kind cross-section of the entirety of Gershuni’s lifelong oeuvre: early and late works in painting and conceptual work alongside figurative drawings and ceramics.
And, it might very well be that, in looking at this significant oeuvre from a deeply private standpoint, once more we are able to find, in Philip Larkin’s words, “our almost-instinct almost true: what will survive of us is love.”

Moshe Gershuni, Untitled, 1992, charcoal and oil paint on paper, 124×163 cm


Moshe Gershuni, To you, Streichman, 1988, Glass paint and varnish on paper, 133×183 cm


TimeOut Israel, “What Is Left” / Moshe Gershuni, (English, link) – here
The Window, “אבות ובנים – על שתי תערוכות וגרשוני”, Smadar Sheffi, (Hebrew, link) – here
Haaretz, Closing One Eye. Uzi Tzur (Hebrew, download) – here
Haaretz, ראיה חותכת. Tal Niv (Hebrew, download) – here
