Gil Marco Shani – Red Chest

31.03.2007 > 22.05.2007
Drawings from “Dome”, book published by Revolver

Recent Painting:
The work of Gil Marco Shani integrates various disciplines and media: architecture, handicrafts, design, photography and painting. Shani creates a total environment that functions like an autonomous and experiential model divided into inside and outside zones. The artist’s created spaces are idealized yet realistic and are not replications of places that exist. The environments Shani creates are a cross between a crime scene, a waiting room, and the seat of memory. Shani’s paintings express parallel concerns and modes of working: the formal expression and the meaning of each piece. Viewing each situation Shani creates one realizes the artists’ goal is to align each figurative scene with a non-linear narrative. The artist’s paintings are line drawings supported by the flat monochrome surface, vividly referring to the graphic language of American Pop Art. In addition, Shani’s work expresses the local strength that is unique to Israel.
His artist book, “Dome” is an extension of his work, utilizing line drawing to create ambiguous situations.