Gabriel Klasmer

Born in 1950 Jerusalem, Israel.
Lives and works in Israel and London.

Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem (BFA)
Royal College of Art, London, MA (RCA)
Royal College of Art, London, PhD (RCA)

2014-2018 –Dean, Faculty of the Arts, Hamidrasha Beit-Berl, Israel
1998 – present – Senior tutor, Royal College of Art, London
1983 – 1995 – Senior Lecturer, Bezalel Academy of art and Design, Jerusalem, Israel

2010 -The Nata Dushnitski – Kaplan Prize for Research, in memory of Israeli Artist Nata, Tel Aviv Museum
2002 – Mendel and Eva Pundik Foundation prize for an Israeli Artist, Tel Aviv Museum of Art.
1995 – Janet and George Jaffin Award for Plastic Arts America Israel Cultural Foundation.
1991 – Clore Scholarship for the RCA.
1990 – The Sandberg Prize for Israel Art, Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
1989 – Minister of Education and Culture Prize for Painting and Sculpture.
1987 – Jacques O’Hana Prize for Young Israeli Artists, Tel Aviv Museum

Selected Solo Exhibition
2010 ‘Pass ‘ Gabriel And Shira Klasmer, Gallery 39 , Tel Aviv .
2009  ‘Parzufot ‘ Stephen Wirtz gallery , San Francisco , Ca, USA.
2008  ‘Portraits and New landscape painting’ Givon Art Gallery, Tel Aviv.
2007  ‘The face , Landscape, Gesture and the Monochrome’. Alexia Goethe Gallery, London.
2006  Gabi Klasmer and Yoni Gold , Givon gallery Tel Aviv.
‘Car in the Sun’, public art for Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Foundation.
2004 ‘Lets Talk Politics’ Hubertus Wunschik Gallery , Munchengladbach, Germany.
2002 ‘Assassin’ The Herzlia Museum of Art, Herzlia, Israel
2000 Square Paintings Gallery Pierre Brulle’, Paris (cat)
1997 Todd Gallery, London.
1996 23rd International Biennial of Sao Paulo, Brazil
1995 Office in Tel Aviv, “Ulay” (cat).
1993 Hubertus Wunschik Gallery, Dusseldorf, Germany (cat).
1990 Givon Gallery, Tel Aviv (cat)
1986 Fisher Gallery, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA (cat).
1985 Gallery X+, Brussels.
1984 Gallery X+, Brussels (cat)
Schone Unendlich Organisation, Hamburg, Germany.
1983 The Tel Aviv Museum, Helena Rubinstein Pavilion (with David Reev).
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, “Gabi Klasmer, Paintings (cat).
1982 Gimel Gallery, Jerusalem. (Also in 1987, 1988, 1989)

Selected Group Exhibitions
Personal Identities , Contemporary Portraits, University Art Gallery Sonoma State University, USA
Making Vanitas Your Won, Alexia Goethe Gallery, London
Family Tree 2, New Acquisition, Donated by Rivka Saker & Uzi Zuker Fund for Israeli Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Israel.
2009 A selection of Israeli Art from the collection of Gaby and Ami Brown, Museum of Art Ein Harod.
2008 ‘Insomniac Promenades’ Sleeping / Dreaming in Contemporary Art, Passage de Retz, Paris.
The Third Decade – ‘My Own Body’ Art in Israel 1968 – 1978, Tel Aviv Museum of Art
The Forth Decade -‘ Check – Post’, Art in Israel in the 1980s Haifa Museum of Art.
2007 ‘Object d’Art, Alexia Goethe Gallery, London
2005 ‘Carpe Diem’- Gallery Huberttus Wunschik, Monchengladbach, Germany.
2004 “Grid Image in Israeli Art” University of Haifa – The Art Gallery. (Cat)
2003 ‘Treason’ artist in research at the Royal College of Art, Café Gallery Projects, London.
2002 “Where are the children” Givon Gallery, Tel Aviv and The Ein Harod Museum, Ein Harod
“Focus on Painting” Haifa Museum of Art. (cat)
2001 ‘Message to the New Millennium’ Israeli Art Today’ The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, Japan.
‘Love at First Sight’, The Vera Silvia and Arturo Schwarz Collection of Israeli Art
1999 “Vision of Light “ A Century of water color in Israel, Israel Museum, Jerusalem. (cat)
“The Mechanized Sublime”, Ways of observing in the works of Deganit, Berest, Yitzhak Livneh, Gabriel Klasmer. The Genia Schriber University Gallery, Tel Aviv University. (Cat)
1996 The Israel Presentation, The 23rd International Biennale, Sao Paulo’ Brazil (cat).
“The Seventies in Israeli Art”, Tel Aviv Museum,(cat) Tel Aviv Museum. (Cat)
1994 “Wir hier” Grosse Kunst Ausstellung Dusseldorf., Kunsthalle Vestisches Museum, Kutschrrhaus, Germany.
Todd Gallery, London. ( four artists)
“Ultima- Cosmic Images in Israeli Art”, The Museums Forum, (cat).
1993 “Subtropical”, The Tel Aviv Museum, Tel Aviv (cat)
1992 “Barclays Young Artists Award, 1992″, Serpentine Gallery, London (cat).
“Routs of Wandering” The Israel Museum, Jerusalem (cat)
“Postscripts” The University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv University (cat).
“Position Israel” Kunstlhaus, Bethanien, Berlin, Germany (cat).
1991 “Six Artists from Israel” Delta Gallery, Dusseldorf,.
“Place and Mainstream” 44 From Israel Contemporary Sculpture Hara Museum Ark, Fukuoka Art Museum Japan. (Cat)
1990 “Binational Israel/USSR Kunsthalle Dusseldorf and Moscow, Central House of Artists
1988 “Neun Israelische Maler” (nine Israeli Painters) KunstHause, Zurich Orangerie Herrenhausen Hanover (cat).
“Fresh Paint The Younger Generation in Israeli-Art”, The Tel Aviv Museum and the Israel Museum, Jerusalem. (cat).
“In the Shadow of the Conflict: Israeli Art 1980-1989” The Jewish Museum, New York.
1987  “Down With the Occupation 1967-1987″ Association of Artists for Freedom of Expression, Israel, (Travelling Exhibition of Prints).
“80 Luven Taidetta Israelsta/ 80 Tals Konst Fran Israel, (80’s Art from Israel) Taidehalli, Helsinki and Konsthall, Lund, Sweden.
1986 “The Concernd Eye” Israel Art Today, Port of History Museum Philadelphia, USA (cat)
“Colour Territory” 42nd International Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale, Israel Pavilion, (cat).
1985 “Kunst in Israel, 1906 -1985” Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerp (cat)
“Milestones in Israel Art” The Israel Museum, Jerusalem (cat)
“Ancient Currents” Ficsher Gallery, University of Southern California, USA (cat)
1984 “Contemporary Art from Israel” Israel Arts Festival, Chicago,
“Two Years, Qualities Accumulated, 1983-1985 “The Tel Aviv Museum (cat)
1983 XVII Bieanal de Saulo Paulo, Brazil (cat).
“Artists Exhibit in Eilon” Kibutz Eilon, Upper Galilee, (cat)
1982 “Hear and Now” The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, (cat)
“Ulam Project” Artists House,Jerusalem,
1979 “Performance 79”, Artist house, Tel Aviv.(cat)

Publications and Catalogues:
Kav 4/5, Kav, Magazine for Contemporary Art. p.71-74.
The Israeli Museum, Jerusalem, Gabi Klasmer Paintings.
XVII Bieanal de Sao Palo, Catalogue.
Artist Exhibit in Eilon.
Gallery X+ , Brussels 1984.
“1983-1984” Two Years Israeli Art.Qualities Accumulated.- “Contemporary Art form Israel”, Chicago USA
“Flash Art” Magazine, March 1984, p.72.
Israeli and Palestinian Artists Against Occupation – For freedom of Expression.
“Kunst in Israel”, 1906-1985, Konninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp.
“Milestones in Israeli Art”, The Israeli Museum, Jerusalem.
Fisher Gallery, University of Southern California, L.A.
“Israel Art Today, the Concerned Eye”, Port of History Museum, Philadelphia.
“Colour Territories”, 42nd Int, Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale.
“Down with the occupation 1967-1987”
“1980’s Art From Israel”, Lund, Sweden.
:- “Nine Israeli Painters”, Kunsthause, Zurich/Orangerie, Hanover.
“Fresh paint-The young generation in Israeli Art”, Tel Aviv Museum.
“Kav 9” Magazine for contemporary art, p105.
“Binationale Israel/USSR”, Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf/Moscow.
“Conteporana-Int. Art Magazine”, March 1990, p.69-75.
“Barclays Young Artist Award” Serpentine Gallery, London.
“Roots of Wandering”, Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
“postscripts”, Tel Aviv University Gallery.
“Position Israel”, Kunsthaus, Berlin.
“Studio” Magazine for contemporary art, Jan1993, p.24-58.
“Studio”, May 1993, p.15-19.
“Subtropical”, Israel painting, Tel Aviv Museum, Tel Aviv
“Tel Aviv in tracks of the Bauhaus”, Tel Aviv.
Grosse kunst Ausstellung, Dusseldorf.
Office in Tel Aviv.
“Wir Hier”, Westdeutscher Kunstelerbund Recklinghauen.
“Ultima”, Cosmic Images in Israeli art.
Gabriel Klasmer, 23rd Internationale Biennale, Ao Palo.
Terminal No 1, 2, Station Transformation, Feb, Aug1996.
Terminal No 3, Station Transformation, Feb 1997.
“The Seventies in Israeli Art”, Tel Aviv Museum.
“The Eyes of a Nation”, Tel Aviv Museum.
“Vision of Light, A Century of Watercolour in Israel”, The Israel Museum, Jeusalem and MOD publishing house.
“The Mechanized sublime ways of observing in the works of Degannit Berest, Yizhak Livine, Gabriel Klasmer, The Genia Schrieber University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv University.
Gabriel Klasmer, Square Panitinngs, Galerie Pierre Brulle, Paris.
“Sun”, Tel Aviv Museum of Art.
Massages to the Millenium, Israeli art Today, The museum of Modern Art, Saitama, Japan.
Love at first sight, The Vera silivia, and Srtuo Scwarz collection of Israeli Art, the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
Focus on Painting Haifa Museum of Art.
“Grid image in Israeli Art”, University of Haifa, The Art Gallery
“Chain Reaction”, Israeli Jewelry 2. Eretz Israel Museum , Tel Aviv
Studio Art Magazine No 145 August 2003 “Painting about Life and death” Itamar Levy , On Line Conversation between Klasmer and Jerzy Michalowicz.

גבריאל קלזמר

גבי קלזמר

